Harry Potter gettin’ nekkid?

Daniel Radcliffe wants people to think more of him than just “Hey, it’s Harry Potter!” So next year he is performing on stage in the drama “Equus” including one scene done in the buff. So actually, the headline should be “Daniel Radcliffe gettin’ nekkid?” but that wouldn’t have been a sensationalism whore’s proper way to post, so I went with the less accurate title.

“Part of me wants to shake up people’s perception of me, just shove me in a blender,” he told the magazine in an exclusive interview on the set of the fifth Harry Potter film, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.”

. . .

In “Equus,” Radcliffe will play a “troubled young man with a religious-erotic obsession with horses,” the magazine reported.

It seems like only yesterday I was reporting on some other people with similar issues.

[tags]Daniel Radcliffe going nude on stage, Harry Potter actor expanding acting options[/tags]

A political decision I just don’t understand

I suppose others who keep up with politics are less surprised by this than I am, but recently, a Florida judge ruled that Sen. Foley ballot replacement Joe Negron cannot place signs around voting locations telling voters that a vote for Foley would register as a vote for Negron instead. I’m still trying to grok this decision. Continue reading “A political decision I just don’t understand”

American Heritage on DNA

Thanks to Bill at DQ I now subscribe to American Heritage Invention and Technology. It’s a quarterly techie magazine, with various articles, some brief some lengthy, on all manner of interesting technologies. The latest issue has a 10-page or so article on the history of DNA profiling. All of you that watch crime shows like CSI or Law and Order (and the 29,531 shows that came from it) have likely seen some coverage of DNA profiling. But if you aren’t a scientist in the field, there is a great chance you don’t really know much about it. You can’t learn everything that matters, but the history of testing, as well as some information on how and why testing works are covered in the story.

Since I subscribe, I get the stories on paper. You, lucky reader of my awesome site, get instead a pointer to the publically accessible online reprint of the article. It will take a while to read, but if you have an interest in geeky pursuits like I do, you’ll enjoy every bit of it. Hell, there’s even mention of the DNA testing from the OJ Simpson trial and why it was ultimately not highly influential in rendering a guilty verdict. That’s pop culture AND science/technology all in one little story. So you get education while being entertained. This ain’t no American Idol, where you just get entertainment (for values of “you” not including me, since I find the show grotesquely idiotic). So go now – read and learn.

In July 1986 residents of the english village of Narborough learned that someone had raped and murdered a 15-year-old schoolgirl named Dawn Ashworth. It was a second shock for the bucolic community, which lies about a hundred miles north of London. An equally harrowing crime had rattled the area less than three years earlier. Late in 1983 a passerby had found the violated body of Lynda Mann, also 15. News of the latest atrocity frightened and outraged local citizens and left police desperate.

Authorities focused their investigation on a slow-witted hospital porter of 17, who, under intense interrogation, confessed to killing Ashworth. He denied any involvement in Mann’s killing, but prosecutors were convinced he was lying. They needed to link him conclusively to both crimes.

. . .

When he [Ed note: Dr. Alec Jeffreys – the creator of the DNA testing method used] analyzed several of the variable sections, he was able to point with virtual certainty to a single individual. Yet at the end of his rigorous lab work, he thought he must have made a mistake.

“My first reaction was ‘Oh my God, there is something wrong with the technology,'” he said later. His test showed that one man had indeed raped both girls. But, in spite of his confession, the youth in custody was not the culprit.

[tags]American Heritage Invention and Technology magazine, DNA profiling, The hows and whys of DNA testing[/tags]

Recent lies from the right

Recently, I was listening to one of the local conservative talk radio stations and I heard a couple of lies the right wants you to believe. They are not true, though, and knowing about the lies the politicians will tell you is an important step in voting intelligently. Don’t vote for a party – vote for a candidate. Make sure you know enough about the people for whom you vote. The worst thing you can do is vote for someone based on their party affiliation when you don’t know anything about them. Continue reading “Recent lies from the right”

People and their pets, the most messed up things to do

OK, so lots of people have pets. And of those lots of people, a vast majority would say they love their pets. However, there are a wacky few who mean that in a different way than you or I would. You know, the people most likely to end up on Animal Cops on Animal Planet for doing very un-nice things. Well, here are some tales of such people. Continue reading “People and their pets, the most messed up things to do”

The ultimate green case mod?

Do you do case mods on your computer? Although I haven’t done any lately, I do mod work when I have time (in fact, I’m about to work on a purple case for a good friend who is fighting cancer right now). I love showing off my case mods when I can. Most modders I know do. However, here is one modder who I am pretty sure didn’t show off his modding work to many people. It’s in polish, but here’s the image and an idea of why police cared about this mod: Continue reading “The ultimate green case mod?”

Barbies ideas that didn’t make it

This is an idea I had way back that I asked for some input from co-workers to build.  Most of the ideas came from them, with just a couple from me.  I have others that were suggested, but I’ve lost them over time or felt they were a bit more than I cared to post.  I try to keep the site from going to over the edge.  I believe the others who contributed thought this would never get posted.  I kept meaning to add more models, but never got back and always forgot my good ideas by the time I did.
Oh, and yes, I expect someone, somewhere, will be offended by this.  To which I say, I’m truly, truly, very much unconcerned with your inability to have a sense of humor with a dark side.

  • Crack-addict Barbie – With vacant eyes, overly pale complexion, and waifish figure
  • Meth-lab Barbie – With singed eyebrows and jittery eyes
  • Anorexia Barbie – With binge and purge scheduling calendar and journal
  • Back-door Barbie – With bendable joints for authentic positions and an extra tube of lube
  • MILF Barbie – a regular barbie with 2 smaller Barbie children
  • Internet chat Barbie – Barbie voice box in a authentic looking 40 year old balding fat man
  • She-male Barbie – With large breasts and, adam’s apple, and male genitals

[tags]Barbie ideas that didn’t make it, Meth-lab Barbie and more[/tags]

Nifty awesome inexpensive gadget

usb-heatncool-tray.gifThis one is totally going on my “Give me gifts” page. I want to have a USB powered beverage heating/cooling tray. Heating USB gadgets you can find anywhere.  Throw in cooling too, and you’ve stepped into awesome-land.  And it’s only 20 bucks. You just can’t beat awesome for $20. Really – I’ve tried and failed, and I am Mr. Awesome. Just ask anyone who knows me. 😉

[tags]USB heating and cooling tray, Stuff I want, USB gadget[/tags]