Simpson book, TV deal cancelled

In a move that is surely a surprise to dozens of people around the country, Fox has cancelled OJ’s book and TV special due to public outcry against it. If you aren’t aware of this garbage (and shame on you, as I’ve covered it recently here), Simpson gives an interview on his book “If I Did It” which recounts how, hypothetically, he would have killed his ex-wife and her friend, if he’d been the killer.

Now apparently, the media whores at Fox Television (I’m thinking formost of Rupert Murdoch) discovered that even the dirty-laundry loving Americans have limits:

“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project,” said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. “We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”

A number of Fox affiliates had already decided not to air the special when it was broadcast, but now this is not an issue. Hell – even an industry publisher could see it was a bad idea.

The industry trade publication Broadcasting & Cable editorialized against the show Monday, saying “Fox should cancel this evil sweeps stunt.”

Wow! A group inside the industry thinks this is evil? You really know you’re low when your own kind calls you out. It’s like sharks telling lawyers they’re too aggressive and blood-thirsty.

[tags]OJ Simpson book/TV interview cancelled[/tags]

Solar power via windows?

I’ve finally started a subscription to MIT’s Technology Review magazine. My first issue arrived last week, and I was all gaga over this totally cool (no pun intended) power providing window. I’m sure others won’t be as impressed as I am, but then again – I’m easily impressed.


The next building material to generate solar power may be windows. In a dye-sensitized solar cell, dye molecules attached to nanoscale titania particles are held between two panes of glass; the dye absorbs light and releases electrons, which are harvested by the ­titania. The basic concept was invented 15 years ago by Michaël ­Grätzel, chemistry professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. Now, the technology is in limited production by Konarka, a company based in ­Lowell, MA, and will soon be more widely available. “The normal configuration has glass on both sides and can be made to look like a colored glass,” Grätzel says. “This could be used as a power-producing window or skylights or building facades. The wall or window itself is photovoltaically active.” This could give a whole new meaning to the term “power windows.”

I can’t figure out yet how to put these to use, but I gotta get m3h some of them winders.

[tags]Power via solar-cell windows, New technology in windows for home/business[/tags]

More evidence that RFID passports are bad

This probably falls more under the category of things only I am interested in, but I still feel the need to point it out just in case any of my visitors actually care about privacy, personal safety, or good security.  In the US, our government is burning a fast path to mandatory passports at the same time we are being pushed into required RFID tags in our passports.  This is a bad idea, and has been documented as such in numerous places.  Fortunately, we have the British leading the way in this endeavor, although I doubt we’ll learn anything from the failure of their RFID passport system and its supposed security.

Continue reading “More evidence that RFID passports are bad”

No dragons were harmed in the making of this sausage

Sometimes, the headlines just sort of pop out there, and everyone understands immediately:

A SPICY sausage known as the Welsh Dragon will have to be renamed after trading standards’ officers warned the manufacturers that they could face prosecution because it does not contain dragon.

The sausages will now have to be labelled Welsh Dragon Pork Sausages to avoid any confusion among customers.

Just in case any of you thought you would be getting actual dragon meat in them. (via boingboing)

[tags]Are there dragons in this?, Dragon safe sausage[/tags]

Disposable flashlights of years gone by

I’m sure this throw-away flashlight advertised in the July, 1947 issue of Popular Science would be a big hit with environmentalists today.


Sealed inside transparent plastic, a tiny flashlight made by the Falge Engineering Service, Bethesda, Md., is intended to be discarded after its one cell is dead. Pressure on the plastic cover operates a switch. Produced primarily to carry an advertising message, like a packet of book matches, the lights are offered only to advertisers, in quantity lots, at a cost of approximately 26 cents each.

For a mere 26 cents per item, you too can contribute to the toxification of the soil in the area where you live.

[tags]Modern Mechanix, Disposable flashlight from 1947, 60 years of destroying the planet[/tags]

Sony’s problem

This, in a nutshell, is Sony’s problem: they’ve all been acting like arrogant dicks.

I really can’t say it any better than Bill says it. He talks about what Sony is doing to make the PlayStation 3 succeed or fail.

Sony’s entire future rests on the strength of the Playstation brand, because every Sony executive who’s opened his mouth in the last nine months has acted like a complete fool. Their execution has been incredibly poor, they’ve made major strategic and tactical errors, and incredibly, they’ve managed to piss off almost everyone in the process.

So we’re about to see if a brand name can overcome complete and utter incompetence. It should be interesting.

[tags]Sony’s problem, How will the PS3 fare?, Bill gets another Sony shot off[/tags]

Alba – No curves for me?

jessica_alba_good_luck_chuck.jpgIn a case of not knowing that I think she’s perfect, Ms. Alba has apparently said she wants to be taller and thinner. Now I love me the tall ladies for sure (who, for the record, I think is also mighty fine), but the thinner thing is right out, Jessica. Sadly, she did not consult me before expressing a desire to look different.

According to In Touch magazine, Jessica said:

I have curves, but I don’t really like them. I wish I was skinnier and taller.

No, no, dear – you’re perfect just the way you are. That is all.

[tags]Jessica Alba, Eye Candy, Alba wants to be thinner – fails to consult me to find out she’s mistaken[/tags]