I recently finished reading Alan Moore’s Watchmen again. It is, quite simply, one of the best graphic novels ever written, I think. The art is well done. The story is thoughtful. This is one of the graphic novels that made people recognize long-form comic as legitimate novel rather than just another comic format. I had read this in college, then forgotten about it for a long time. In the past year or two, I’ve started seeing it on bookshelves again (or possibly it was always there and I just started noticing it there), and decided last month to order it from Amazon
While doing other random surfing this week, I stumbled on mention of a Watchmen trailer that was out. I didn’t even realize this graphic novel was being made into a movie, but it is. So naturally, I had to track the trailer down. You can get the official, hi-res, widescreen trailer from the official movie site, but I have a soft-spot for Rorschach, and liked this fan-made trailer enough to use it instead:
No compromises. Not even in the face of Armaggedon. Not much longer to wait. I look forward to seeing this.
[tags]Watchmen, Graphic Novel, YouTube, Watchmen Movie[/tags]