So many interesting projects that I can’t write up an article for all of them. Check these out for some pretty neat projects.
- Web lectures on electronic circuits – A guide to simple and combinatorial circuits
- HOW TO – Make a copper pipe potato gun – Come on, who hasn’t wanted to build a potato gun. And this one is probably more durable and is certainly way cooler than those PVC guns you usually see
Nixie Tube collectors and designers – A Yahoo group dedicated to Nixie talk
- Nintendo Entertainment Center PC case mod… – I really get in to computer case modding and stuffing PCs in unexpected cases. Here’s a PC fully packed into an old NES case. Pictures available, too.
- Open Circuits – electronics wiki – OK, some I’m a geek. I think electronics are cool. And check out the pretty pictures.
- The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci – A do-it-yourself inspiration.
- MAME cabinet on a budget – I want to make a full sized MAME cabinet some day (maybe like this one). For those interested in less time-consuming cabinets, here’s one for less time and money.
- HOW TO – Stack pennies – Useless, really, but kinda neat.
The digital hourglass – I want to build one of these some day. More information here.
- Build a LED matrix clock – Something like the above, only a different layout.
- HOW TO – Powering Nixie Tubes… – probably useful information if you plan on visiting the Yahoo group mentioned above.
- DIY RFID-Zapper… – Come on, you know you are paranoid about getting tracked by those little RFID bugs. Now you can take them out.
Now that’s a lot of reading for you to catch up on. And me, too. I’m so far behind on my techie/geek reading.
[tags]MAKEzine, MAKEblog, MAKE, link dump[/tags]