Scott Adams, man of the perfect comparison

A friend recently shared with me the link to Scott Adams’ (of Dilbert fame) blog post discussing regaining his voice after 18 months being unable to converse in a normal tone.  Recently, Scott posted another article which included a comment about all the traffic and feedback he’s gotten on that article.  Going from 25,000 hits a day to around 180,000 hits a day had a profound effect on him.  So profound, in fact, that he made one of the best quotes ever on how this reaction has affected him.

I am more touched than a congressional page.

That’s quality writing you just won’t get from the big networks.

[tags]Scott Adams, Congressional pages[/tags]

Slow swimmers

Here’s a comic I got from a co-worker.  I don’t know where he got it.  If someone points the way, I’ll be glad to throw out a link to the original location.


[tags]Slow swimmers, How much further, Are we there yet?, Just past the tonsils[/tags]

I voted today

My wife and I forgot to update our voter registration when we moved last year.  Today we went to do that, and since the early voting polls were literally across the hall, we went ahead and knocked that out.  I had to skip some categories, because I simply didn’t know anything about the people on the ballot.

[tags]Early voting, Make sure to vote[/tags]

Tetrahedron rotation symmetry group

No, I don’t actually know what it means. Yes, I have the words to accompany it. No, they don’t help me understand it. Yes, I understand the words individually. No, I don’t comprehend the words in the sentences given. Yes, I posted this because it’s shiny.

250px-Tetrahedral_group_2.svg.png Symmetry is a foundational concept in several sub-disciplines of mathematics, particularly geometry and abstract algebra. The rotation symmetry group of the tetrahedron (shown here) associates the 12 different orientations of a tetrahedron with two kinds of spatial rotation that rearrange those orientations: a 120° rotation around each of the 4 vertices (reddish arrows), and 180° rotation through opposite edges (blue arrows). Diagrams illustrating the symmetries of a mathematical object in this format are called cycle graphs.

Oh, and yes – it is something I picked up from Wikipedia – possibly the greatest resource in the known universe.

[tags]Tetrahedron rotation symmetry group, Shiny picture with mathematical explanation[/tags]