Bush presidency as an adventure game

Sure to offend some, I looked at it as not to serious a post.  Over at DefectiveYeti, there is a fun post covering some highlights of the Bush presidency as an old Infocom-style adventure game.  The comments reflect both sides of the political spectrum, but no one seems to get too upset by the post.

[tags]Bush, Infocom, adventure, game[/tags]

Oblivion nearly ready

Nice write-up from Bethesda on what’s going to be in the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion packaging.  The important part for fans is to note that whether you get the regular or collector’s edition, you are getting the game on DVD.  That’s right – it’s only available on DVD.  Almost everyone I know has a DVD drive, so I doubt that people who have a computer capable of playing Oblivion will have an issue with this requirement, but it needs to be pointed out, just in case someone wants the game and hasn’t gotten a DVD drive yet.

Indie games of the year.

According to GameTunnel, here are the independent developer games of the year.  Some of these I know, and love.  Some I haven’t ever seen, but plan on checking out.  The soccer game (#10 on the list) looks really cool.  Sorta Sim-Fifa.  And Darwinia made the list.  It’s a cool little game, too.  Check all of the listed games out.

Calvin moment

I like Calvin and Hobbes.  I got the complete collection for Christmas.  I still subscribe to a daily strip update.  It’s some of the best writing ever, and it’s in an easily digestable daily format.  Here is a recent one that tops my list of funny strips.

Snow sharks

A real geek test

If the regular geek test isn’t geeky enough for you, check out this geek test. Why is this one better? Well, check out some of the questions:

  • ROT13 this:trrxfnerterng
  • What does this do: echo $dorks==$geeks?”yes”:”no”;
  • Convert this from ASCII to English:49204561742046726F6773

Now, let me know how that worked out for you. Any one with a score they’d like to share? Let me know in the comments. Personally, I scored an 88:

My computer geek score is greater than 88% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Very clever virus?

Whoa!  Just read about the Feebs virus over at F-Secure.  In addition to normal distribution by web download, this virus stays in memory, watches for outgoing mail connections, and when it sees one with a large MIME attachment injects itself into the attachment.  This won’t make for a fast spreading virus, but it will make for smarter and more difficult to detect virus spread.

Sharing fat pipes with friends

How cool.  Looks like a couple of companies are working on technology to make it easier to connect multiple high-speed home connections to share big fat data pipes with multiple people.  If you hit that connection when none of your friends/neighbors are, you could get some absurdly high speeds through inexpensive home lines.  I’m very interested in this.