What dancing is all about

This is all the reason I need to suggest more people buy poles to put up in their garage.  Probably NSFW.

Her comments from the YouTube page:

sorry i’m tired of answering the same questions over n over.
took me 3 months to get to this level of dancing 6-8 hours a day for 3 months. i do not do this amout of hours now though.
i do not have any dance background, no ballet, gymnastics ect
song: fergalisous – fergie
i am using a 50mm chrome x-pole from xpole.co.uk
and for those who wanna leave nasty comments… dont bother cause i now aprove them, you gain nothing

Seems more pervs on the intarw3bbs like me have seen the video and tried to leave naughty comments. Shame on you pervs. Be more like me and look but don’t let them know you are looking.

[tags]Pole, Pole dancing, Fergie, Fergaliscous, Mmmmm, Pervs, YouTube, video[/tags]