Apple renames itself

Today, Apple Computer, Inc. officially became Apple, Inc. Hard to believe with all the CES news I’m covering this instead. And I can’t even tell you why, but there it is.

Apple Computer, Inc. is no more. After introducing the new Apple TV digital media hub and iPhone at the Macworld Conference on Tuesday, CEO Steve Jobs declared that his company was dropping the word “Computer” from its name and henceforth would be known as Apple Inc.

I understand this change is meant to emphasize the fact that Apple now does more than just computers, but really, I think more people know Apple and “That iPod/iTunes company” than as “That computer company” anyway. So for most of us, it doesn’t mean anything. Just be aware of the change, so when you meet Steve Jobs face to face to discuss your newest technology brilliance that you want the company to license and sell so you can become obnoxiously wealthy, you need to refer to the company by the new “Apple, Inc.” and not accidentally use the old name.

[tags]Apple Computer now just Apple, Apple Computer name change[/tags]