Neighborhood statistics

Tons of statistics on your neck of the woods on Here are some details about my zip code:

  • Politics:
    Population: 19,800
    Democrat: 56%
    Republican: 41%
    Independent: 0%
  • Overall Crime Index: 90
    (0 is safest)
    Violent Crime Index: 77
    Property Crime Index: 77
  • Cost of Living Index: 86
    (100 is U.S. Avg.)
    * Excludes cost of housing
  • White: Makes Minority White: 37.0% Hispanic: 2.7% African-American: 57.5% Asian: 2.2% American Indian: 0.4% Other: 2.0%

City-wide, those statistics look more like:

  • Democratic
    Population: 7,800
    Democrat: 59%
    Republican: 43%
    Independent: 1%
  • Overall Crime Index: 88
    (0 is safest)
    Violent Crime Index: 82
    Property Crime Index: 62
  • Cost of Living Index: 87
    (100 is U.S. Avg.)
    * Excludes cost of housing
  • White: Approx. U.S. Average
    White: 55.7%
    Hispanic: 1.9%
    African-American: 40.9%
    Asian: 2.9%
    American Indian: 0.7%
    Other: 0.6%

Those population numbers are suspect (by two orders of magnitude for the city population). Otherwise, the numbers do match up with what I’ve found in the past when I’ve researched a lot of this information. You’d think living in a neighborhood with nice, quarter million dollar homes in a city with a median home price closer to $80,000 would mean you lived in a decent area for the crime statistics. You’d be wrong, but you could think that. But you can’t tell me wife that the area is less safe than some of the areas in the city (like 15 miles to the east, where the general area has a crime index of 15). Our old house was in an area with a crime index of 8. Hell, our home in the Washington DC area was in a neighborhood with a crime index of 68. Guess I just got used to living in places where I didn’t worry as much about parking the car in front of the house. Since my Jeep was stolen off the street 2 weeks after we moved in where we live now, I tend to worry about that in my new neighborhood. But remember that I don’t know anything. Nor do I do anything.

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