More free books

I recently picked up an EBookwise-1150 ebook reader (now available for $124.95 with 64 Meg SmartMedia card).  I’ve purchased and downloaded a few books from the EBookwise web site, but I can’t afford to pick up as many books as I’d like there.  So when I found the web site to pick up scads of free books (legally free, I might add), I felt like I scored – or at scored such that I have a choice of as many as I want up to the 13,736 currently available there.  Of course, since I haven’t tried downloading any and transferring them to my ebook reader, I don’t know how much I’ve scored.  I’ll make an update when I’ve tried it out.
[tags]Free ebooks[/tags]

One thought on “More free books”

  1. I hope you’ll let me know how the site works for you — or if you have any trouble. I’m unfortunately unable to try every combination of reader hardware and desktop OS 🙂

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